
The fundamental technique is the same when weaving: threads are stretched over and through the loom to produce what is called the warp, running up and down the length of the fabric.

Then threads are interlaced crossways through the warp under one thread and over another, under and over from one side to the next and back again to form the fabric.

Most fabrics are commercially produced through this method, typically on massive machine looms. Our goal is to use custom designs woven on a traditional hand loom when we can, and we use overstock fabrics when appropriate.


“The process of weaving itself immediately transports me back to my time at the Rhode Island School of Design where I spent many days and late evenings creating woven fabrics. In a room filled with many other people dedicated to the act of forging cloth from threads of all kinds, we shared stories as the clicking music of the looms hummed in the background, the shuttles and harnesses moving as the pattern of the fabric transformed. As my experiences have changed, my appreciation for weaving has grown. Now I think of cloth being translated by the hands of the maker, just as I had formed threads into fabric at the beginning of my textiles journey.” - Adèle


To find our items that have been woven; click here