Anna Tamm


Name: Anna Tamm

Occupation: Business student and social media marketing

Location: Berlin but usually traveling between Zurich and New York

Horoscope: Scorpio

Your favorite quote: We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are. -Max Depree

Silk blouse chic blue tight top sustainable feminin  fashion
Silk blouse chic blue tight top sustainable feminin  fashion

Describe an experience you’d like to have in the outfit: A late summer night somewhere in southern France, dinner and wine after a day by the ocean. Sunsets and the sky clears. It’s warm but not too warm. Wearing the wrap dress with a pair of elegant heels, no makeup and a small Jaquemus bag.

Describe your personal style in three words: Understated Parisian casual chic (sometimes with a mix of Berlin edge)

A tip you would like to share, about life, food, dressing up, connecting with friends, happiness, or all of the above: Make sure to be in the now. The now is all we have and it will never come back once it passes. Stop constantly running scenarios in your mind. Have faith, always. What’s meant for you will find you. All you have to do is be ready to receive it. Appreciate what you have instead of looking for constant fulfillment from the external. Life is too short to worry about others’ opinions. Do you, be you.

What is key for you to stay positive with everything that is happening in the world? Count your blessings, stay grounded, strive to make the world a little better, eat good food

What does it mean for you to be connected to your clothing? My clothes should be a mirror of my inner self. So no matter what it is that I am wearing, it needs to feel like me.

Reuse of clothes is important to us, do you have any good advice for how to reuse clothes? Be creative, repurpose, swap with friends, buy second hand, do a flea market or donate, ask your mom/grandma for treasures that they don’t wear anymore, steal from your boyfriend’s wardrobe

Silk blouse chic blue tight top sustainable feminin  fashion
Silk blouse chic blue tight top sustainable feminin  fashion

What do you do to have a greener lifestyle? Being a veggie, more second hand/flea market buying or consciously buying from sustainable brands, reduce plastic waste, buy locally/organic, farm produce, switch to natural cosmetics, be conscious and informed

Where do find your inspiration in your everyday life? Nature, aesthetics, people watching, meditation, people going for their dreams, my family and friends

Dark or light? Light, be the light!

Remember or forget? Remember, mankind is a collection of our history

To follow her journey: Anna Tamm

Adele Helmers